Carl Verheyen's Studio Footage Of Upcoming Album'Mustang Run' -
In a new online video American guitar virtuoso CarlVerheyen discusses the recording process of his new album'Mustang Run.' The new footage,which can be seen below, also includesVerheyen previewing new tracks 'Spirit OfJulia' and 'Fusioneers Disease.'
The Supertramp guitarist has enlisted themusical talents of Gregg Bissonette, DaveMarotta, Jim Cox, Walfredo Reyes Jr.,Mitchel Forman, Simon Phillips, CliffHugo, Chad Wackerman, Jimmy Johnson,Dane Little, John Helliwell, JesseSiebenberg, Bernie Dresel, Stuart Hamm,Bill Evans and Jerry Goodman, who will allappear on the album.
The new album 'Mustang Run' will bereleased on August 1st through CranktoneEntertainment.
Carl Verheyen - About'Mustang Run'
Carl Verheyen - 'Spirit ofJulia' from Mustang Run
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