METALLICA, in conjunction with U.K.'s Metal Hammer magazine,today announced they will be publishing a special edition ofMETALLICA's So What! magazine called "Metallica The 30thAnniversary Event". This special edition commemorating METALLICA's30th-anniversary celebration that took place at San Francisco'siconic Fillmore Theatre in December 2011 will hit newsstandsnationwide on May 14, will be available on and can bepre-ordered now, right here.
"I couldn't think of a cooler way to round out the first 30years than how the Fillmore week played out in December," saidMETALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich. "And I can't think of a cooler wayto start off the next 30 years than immortalizing that unique,incomparable and unforgettable week in magazine form, our first SoWhat! edition to leave the confines of our fan club."
"This is an incredibly exciting partnership," said Metal Hammereditor Alexander Milas. "METALLICA's 30th anniversary shows werehistory in the making, and the chance to work with So What! -easily one of the metal world's best-loved and respected fanzines -was simply too good to pass up."
"Metallica The 30th Anniversary Event" will be a 132-pagemagazine featuring exclusive live and behind-the-scenes photos fromthe four historic nights at the Fillmore Theatre, post-Fillmoreinterviews with all four members of METALLICA, a few of the fanfavorites who joined the band on stage - including Brian Tatler,Sean Harris, King Diamond, Dave Mustaine, and Rob Halford - and alook behind the scenes on how the shows came together. The issuewill also feature an exclusive seven-inch vinyl single of "SoWhat!" and "Through The Never", recorded during four shows lastyear complete with a souvenir picture bag.
Commented METALLICA: "We've always been incredibly proud of ourlittle publication, So What! magazine, that is sent to all fan-clubmembers every three months and is now in its 19th year ofexistence.
"As we were putting together the first issue of 2012commemorating our 30th anniversary celebration at the FillmoreTheatre in December of last year, we realized that the upcomingissue was looking so special, so unique and so unprecedented thatwe really should make it available to share with all our friendsaround the world.
"Now, we know that we're breaking the rules here - So What! isfor fan-club members only - but we figured since we make the rules,we can occasionally break 'em!! So for the first time ever, we areprinting a special limited edition newsstand version of themagazine in collaboration with Metal Hammer, who has joined us forour new adventure."
A video preview of "Metallica The 30th Anniversary Event" isavailable below.
So What! is a quarterly publication published by the METALLICAClub and sent exclusively to the fan-club members. Each issue is acollector's item featuring 48 glossy, full-color pages that bringsclub members the most METALLICA news, photos, and insideinformation. The members of METALLICA are major contributors toeach magazine, answering fan letters, providing personal photos andletters, judging contests, and providing a behind-the-scenes viewthat fans won't find anywhere else. Each issue of So What! bringsthe members of the fan club even farther into the world ofMETALLICA.
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