Stream Killing Joke's new Singles Collection BoxSet -
A new singles collection from art-punk veterans KillingJoke to their 35th anniversary is set to be releasedthis week, however you can stream the new box-set via the officialSpinefarm Records Soundcloudchannel today.
Killing Joke 'The Singles Collection 1979 -2012' will be releases as a Limited Edition three-CD setfeaturing a deluge of singles plus a third disc made up ofrarities, including unreleased studio tracks. There will also bemade available a Super Deluxe Cigar-Boxed Edition of the upcomingsingles collection.
"Considering it's supposed to be the end of the worldin a short time, it gives me great pleasure to announce a newsingles album with some real rarities on it '¦" said their evereccentric frontman Jaz Coleman.
In related news Killing Joke recently signed anew deal with SpinefarmRecords and will begin recording their third album for thelabel and the follow up to 2012's'MMXII.'
Killing Joke - The Singles Collection 1979 - 2012 by SpinefarmRecords
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